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Our Church School

Our School has very close links with the local church. Clergy come into the school to take the Collective Worship approximately every 2 weeks.  The school supports and sometimes leads monthly Family Services in the church.

The school uses “Roots and Fruits”  for Collective Worship. Our Collective Workshop takes place each day at 1.00pm where all the children gather together for a song, Bible story or story based on the theme for the week and prayers.

Many of the children also attend the Family Services at St. Michael’s & All Angels Church in Stockland or in their own villages. A few of our major events take place at the Church; many children participate in the Harvest Festival service in September and our annual Christmas Production in December.  The Friends of St. Michaels purchased staging for the school to use at the church and often support the school in Christianity based projects.

Our vision and values reflect our commitment to developing and maintaining our Christian ethos and distinctiveness. This also follows the Church of England vision for education in church schools that embraces John 10:10, ‘life in all its fullness’.


“I have come that they have life, and have it to the full.” 

Educating for hope and aspiration

At Stockland Primary Academy we notice each other’s talents and aim to be the best we can be. Through our curriculum we provide opportunities for all children to develop creatively as global citizens, aspiring to achieve the best for others and ourselves. We nurture a curiosity about the world to enable us to become lifelong learners. 

 Educating for community

We want children to be the change they want to see. To have courageous advocacy, to live well together and disagree well together.  Our bucket filling approach promotes kindness and empathy. We welcome volunteers from the community who can add such richness to our school life. 

 Respect and dignity

We encourage children to always be respectful of each other and to care about the feelings and wishes of others. We will promote equality and dignity and learn from each other, celebrating our differences. We will have a positive impact in our community and also in the wider world, developing a sustainable future for us all. Children, parents, staff and our local community will work together as a team and care for each other.


Wisdom, knowledge and skills

We make specific choices that are woven through our curriculum to ensure children are exposed to a diverse world. We encourage spiritual development and develop our relational awareness of ourselves, creation, God and other people. We plan our curriculum to enable children to develop the knowledge and skills they need to promote academic achievement and aspiration for all. As children develop their knowledge and skills we plan our curriculum to also shape their character and ethics so they can make wise choices in their life.  


Our values of love, kindness, respect and collaboration underpin our school



Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.


Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you


Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.


Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to dwell together in unity.


Stockland Parish Church of St. Michael and All Angels

The school children are particularly invited to participate in the ‘Family Services’.

These take place on the second Sundays of each month  at 11.00am (unless it is a special festival) often the children will do a Bible reading or lead the prayers.


Contact the Church

Rev. Julie Lomas

Tel: 01297 35004


Website: Stockland Village / Five Alive Mission – Stockland

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