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Maths Our intent, aims and concepts


Mathematics will play a fundamental part of children’s education and should have a pivotal role on their daily lives and the development of their character, it will provide a key foundation to many future opportunities. We want the children to develop curiosity to gain knowledge and understanding about the key concepts of mathematics through enjoyable experiences. We want all children to acquire the skills of calculation, reasoning and problem solving. We aim for children to be equipped for Maths in everyday life, to enable them to further their education and to provide a platform for understanding the world.

We intend that the study of mathematics will enable our children to:

• Become fluent in the fundamental of mathematics, children will need to grasp the key concepts and number facts before progressing to more complex problems. Through varied practice, children will develop conceptual understanding and their ability to recall facts enabling them to apply their knowledge rapidly.

• Reason mathematically through showing resilience and following a line of enquiry. Children will need to develop metacognitive skills to make relationships and generalisations about mathematical concepts Children will be able to articulate their thinking and justify answers using mathematical language, images and representations.

• Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.


(National Curriculum for Mathematics)


We believe that all children are mathematicians! Children have a daily maths lesson where fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills are taught and mastered. We believe that a solid understanding of mathematical concepts are the foundations of all learning in maths. Where possible, mathematical concepts are developed through the use of practical, engaging and collaborative activities. Developing character is at the heart of all that we do at Stockland and maths is no exception. Children are taught and encouraged to think creatively, critically and reflectively in maths lessons - skills that they will need throughout their schooling and into adult life.

MATHS – Examples of Maths Learning Journals

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