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School Admissions

Currently we have 74 children on roll (September 2023) with a few spaces available in some year groups.

Our intake for Reception is 15 each year.  We encourage you to come and view the school and discuss available places. Our Admissions Policies for 2023/24, 2024/25 and 2025/26 can be found below.

The following amendments were made in August 2021 to the determined policy for 2021-22 and the determined policy 2022-23 to comply with the revised School Admissions Code 2021: priority for children adopted from state care outside England was added to oversubscription criterion 1; wording added to reflect that decisions on in-year admissions must be sent to a parent within 15 school days; provision added for Hard to Place children; advice added regarding applications for overseas children.

For in year admissions, please contact the school to discuss places or arrange a viewing.

How to apply for a school place in Devon:

More information about admissions to schools in Devon can be found on Devon County Council website by clicking on the link: Devon County Council Admission Arrangements

Admissions policy for 2025-26: Annual Consultation

Along with all other schools and academies in Devon, the 2025-26 Admission Arrangements were consulted on.  The Local Authority also consulted on its admission arrangements.  The revised Admission Arrangements were determined on 22 February 2024 and will be introduced with effect from 1st September 2025.

Admission Appeals

The governors must publish the timetable for all admission appeals (including in year appeals) on the school website by 28th February of each year.

  1. Appellants must have a deadline of at least 20 school days from the date of notification that their application was unsuccessful to lodge an appeal but late appeals must be heard;

  2. Appeals must be heard within 40 school days (in normal admission round) and within 30 school days for in year appeals. For late appeals these must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline where possible or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged;

  3. Appellants must have at least 10 school days’ notice of the date of their appeal although the appellant may waive their right to the full 10 days;

  4. Clear deadlines must be set for the submission of evidence;

  5. Decision letters must be sent within 5 school days of the hearing where possible.

For further information on the appeals process, parents can contact the school office or the Clerk to the Appeals Panel. The link to the appeals timetable is Devon County Council Admission Appeals Timetable

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